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Wow! Woman Finds $36K Hidden In Couch From Craigslist

We`re creating a fundamental shift in brand marketing and we need your help! You find a car online that seems like a good deal, but you have to pay a fee to get it shipped or picked up. Once you pay the fee, the car never arrives and you’re out money. The state of Kentucky has a long history of poor health care. In 2008, the state ranked 41st out of 50 states in terms of health quality. This is because the state doesn’t have any real reforms going on right now.

One common scam is people posing as landlords or property managers. They will send you an email asking you to send advance payment in order to secure the rental or buy the property. Once you send the money, they will disappear and your investment will be gone. Kentucky is known for its bourbon and horses, but it’s also home to one of the worst health care systems in the country. Families struggle to afford medical care, and many people don’t have any insurance at all. Operations Specialist - Fooji, Inc.- Lexington, KY Fooji connects brands with fans in real-life and real-time through turn-key promotions on social media networks.

Top 10 Best Craigslist near Richmond Rd, Lexington, KY – Yelp

This is a scam, as the rent is too low and the address doesn’t have a yard. They just stole information from another website that listed the property for sale. Craigslist is a great resource for finding affordable housing and deals on clothes and furniture, but be careful when using the website. There are scams everywhere, so it’s important to be aware of what to watch for. This property was not for rent, and had been sold in the previous week.

I am a very laid back person, I love art, animals, cooking, and going out with my friends...Although the victim thought he was meeting a lady, he was actually hiding in a toilet and waiting to trap and rob him.Customer Service Representative - GPAC- Lexington, KY JOB DESCRIPTION A local mid-market agency is looking for a highly motivated individual for their Personal Lines CSR .The state has a Medicaid program for low-income residents, and there are also a number of private health care plans available.Craigslist is a great resource for finding jobs in Kentucky.

But what many people don’t know is that the state has a large number of schools. Some of the most notable schools in Kentucky are the Berea College, Eastern Kentucky University, the University of Louisville, and Western Kentucky University. The family also said they ended up finding hundreds of dollars hidden around the house where the couch was located. One of the best things about Craigslist is that you can search by location.

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This means that you can find cars and trucks in any part of the state. Blue Licks Battlefield State Park – This park features more than 10 miles of hiking trails that wind through woods and fields on three levels of terrain. There are also several Civil War battlefields located within Blue Licks Battlefield State Park, including Stones River National Battlefield, Bentonville Battlefield Historic Site, and more. Although the victim thought he was meeting a lady, he was actually hiding in a toilet and waiting to trap and rob him. Robert McGee threatened to harm or even kill the victim if he did not hand over his money and mobile phone.

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