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The Masked Singer: Joe Buck Leaves Hit Fox Show After Competing As Ram
Joe Buck was eliminated on Wednesday`s episode of The Masked Singer after performing in a Ram costume on the hit Fox show.

The 52-year-old broadcaster, who performed dressed as the Ram in a gladiator-themed gold outfit with a giant ram mask topped with a red feather headdress, was the second contestant eliminated this season.

It was an eventful day for Joe as ESPN also announced on Wednesday that he would be the new voice of Monday Night Football along with his longtime broadcasting partner Troy Aikman, 55, after 20 years at Fox Sports.

Sports broadcaster: Joe Buck was eliminated on Wednesday`s episode of The Masked Singer after performing in a Ram costume on the hit Fox show

Joe, who competed for Team Bad, said overcoming a vocal cord injury inspired him to come on the show and compete.

`Eleven years ago, I had a paralyzed vocal cord,` said Joe.

`So to come out here 11 years later and kind of throw my nerves to the wind and sing in front of this great audience, I was like ``Hey, you know, why not? Let`s give it a shot``.`


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Joe said he felt that guest panelist Eric Stonestreet, 50, was on to him from the start because he was part of his new show Domino Masters also on Fox.

Before he was unmasked as the Ram, he performed Learn To Fly by the Foo Fighters.

Early exit: The 52-year-old broadcaster, who performed dressed as the Ram in a gladiator-themed gold outfit with a giant ram mask topped with a red feather headdress, was the second contestant eliminated this season

`That was epic,` said host Nick Cannon, 41, after he was done.

Eric said from the start that he felt he knew who the Ram was because when he started to sing he pointed right at him and then made a foot gesture `like you were kicking my butt or something.`

`Great job,` Eric told him.

Knew it: PTS Terbaik ASEAN Guest panelist Eric Stonestreet said from the start that he felt he knew who the Ram was

`Thank you including the special guest Old E over there,` Ram told the panelists.

`He must know you,` said Nicole Scherzinger, 43.

The Ram`s mega clue was an Emmy nomination card.

Old friend: `Thank you including the special guest Old E over there,` Ram told the panelists

Paying attention: `He must know you,` said Nicole Scherzinger, 43, as she took note of Ram`s remark

Ken Jeong, 52, said he thought it might be actor Jason Sudeikis.

Eric said he thought it might be his former co-star from Modern Family.

`Could you be hiding yourself, Ty Burrell?`, he wondered.

Hit sitcom: Eric said he thought it might be his former co-star from Modern Family

Jenny McCarthy, 49, thought it might be actor Jason Biggs.

`He`s a great guy,` Ram said.

`I`m not dissing on Biggs, but he couldn`t fill this out.`

Kate Hudson even taped a video message of inspiration for the Ram and said, `Ram, I just want you to know that I`m cheering you on. You`re looking super strong on The Masked Singer and I`m rooting for you to get to the finals.`

Wild guess: Jenny McCarthy, 49, thought it might be actor Jason Biggs

Ram and Firefly had the lowest audience scores and had to compete in a duel.

Firefly was clearly upset to learn she was in the bottom and walked off the stage leaving everyone waiting for her to come back.

`The firefly literally flew off the stage,` said Eric.

Flew away: Firefly was clearly upset to learn she was in the bottom and walked off the stage leaving everyone waiting for her to come back

After a while, Firefly returned and stood on the stage staring at the Ram.

The Ram went first in the duel singing Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver, which had the judges laughing.

Firefly then sang God Is A Woman by Ariana Grande.

Good effort: The Ram went first in the duel singing Take Me Home, Country Roads by John Denver, which had the judges laughing

`Firefly, the passion and determination that you showed tonight and this season, it just shows me and all of us how much you want to be here and you want to win this thing.

You are a fighter,` Ken said.

Eric told Ram he did a great job in the duel. The panel voted and it was determined that Ram would be unmasked.

Jen thought it was Jason Biggs, while Nicole said she thought it might be Kelly Slater.

Ken thought it was Jason Sudekis.

True passion: `Firefly, the passion and determination that you showed tonight and this season, it just shows me and all of us how much you want to be here and you want to win this thing.

You are a fighter,` Ken said

Eric changed his mind and said he thought it might be Emmy Award winning broadcaster Joe and Robin Thicke, 45, agreed.

After Joe unmasked, Nick thanked him for being such a good sport.

When the show opened, Firefly was the first contestant of the night.

She competed for Team Good and sang P.Y.T. by Michael Jackson.

Eclectic guesses: The panelists had guesses ranging from Joe to Jason Biggs to Kelly Slater

`Firefly, way to set it off,` said Nick when she was done.

`Mind blown, mind blown,` said Jenny.

Firefly shared with them a game-changing mega clue and hers was a big photo of Pharrell Williams.

Killed it: Firefly competed for Team Good and sang P.Y.T.

by Michael Jackson to start the show

Eric said he was thinking Aisha Tyler. Robin told him that was good guess but he thought it might be Keisha Cole and Nicole said she thought it might be Lauryn Hill.

Next from Team Bad was Cyclops, who wore a giant green mask with a huge eye in the center with one big bushy eyebrows and purple teeth.

He sang Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley.

`Big energy right there from the big guy singing his eye out,` said Nick.

Rock classic: Cyclops sang Suspicious Minds by Elvis Presley

Nick brought out the mega clue for Cyclops, which was a giant rock with a plaque that said `this meteorite crashed to earth in 1988.`

Ken said that a meteorite comes from galaxies and he thought it might be Chris Pratt from the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise.

Eric said he thought it might be John Lithgow, who used to be on the TV show Third Rock From The Sun. Nicole thought it might be a rock star like Rob Thomas from Matchbox Twenty.

Seventh season: Robin Thicke continued to rock a mustache on the Fox show

For the Cuddly team, Thingamabob, a giant green fluffy creature wearing a sequined outfit with blue teeth, performed Perfect by Ed Sheeran.

`He`s adorable,` said Eric when he finished.

`You just connected with me,` said an emotional Ken wiping tears from his eyes.

`You are why I do this show, and this is the best, my favorite performance of the season.`

Perfect song: For the Cuddly team, Thingamabob, a giant green fluffy creature wearing a sequined outfit with blue teeth, performed Perfect by Ed Sheeran

Thingamabob`s mega clue was a shield.

`I wanted to show America I`m ready for battle,` said Thingamabob.

Jenny said she thought it was Dwayne `The Rock` Johnson. Eric said he also thought he knew this person and he was thinking the shield refers to police.

`This person I`m thinking of has been on a police drama,` said Eric.

`I think we are staring at Omar Benson Miller.`

Hollywood star: Jenny said she thought it was Dwayne `The Rock` Johnson

Robin thought it might be Jason Momoa.

In the end, all the contestants stood on the stage for the audience vote.

Nick then told them that the two singers with the least amount of votes were Ram and Firefly who had to duel it out to stay on the show.

The Masked Singer will return next Wednesday on Fox.

Moving on: Firefly advanced after singing God Is A Woman by Ariana Grande in a duel versus Ram

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