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Ten Basic Car Maintenance Tips
If what you are hunting has small parts like screws and washers, take a Ziploc baggy with you too. This will make sure you don`t lose them somewhere in the junkyard!

Most auto body repair shops will readily give you a cost estimate to determine the extent of damage control that needs to be done and that to free. Once you get the estimate, call up a few other local auto repair outlets and ask for the amount they will charge for the exact same repairs. This will help you to make a better decision. In order to save money on the repair, it is very important that you shop around for the best deal.

Strut: A strut is a common component of front wheel drive vehicles and works similarly to a shock absorber. You might hear this from your mechanic in a list of names of car parts you need to replace if your vehicle isn`t driving smoothly (bouncing, rocking, etc.).

Before you buy just any classic car parts, make sure you ask for the opinions of some car enthusiasts. You can find many of them in online forums and groups. Some of them may even have their very own informational website or blog. Why not sign-up with these helpful forums and sites? Many of its members can offer you the right tips on just any car topics and may even be able to point you to the right mechanics you should be seeing.

It also depends on the vehicle you have. If you have a brand new vehicle, you will want to get brand new parts for it. If you have a used vehicle you bought in Los Angeles, then you can probably get away with buying used parts. Just make sure that the used parts you buy are high-end and not cheap. Low-end used parts are more hassle than they are worth. If you are going to go used, you might as well get the best used parts that you can.

Using the correct tool, remove the four retaining-ring screws. Caution: these fasteners are often corroded, and it`s easy to strip them. Give each a squirt of penetrating oil and let it soak in for a few minutes. Be careful not to turn the headlight-aiming screws.

Second item that we are going to need is our battery. You are going to need a rechargeable battery that you can get at your local car stereo equipment. Get any size deep cycle 12 Volt lead/acid or gel battery (gel battery is more expensive and it last longer). Deep cycle batteries are designed for prolonged use. It`s the kind of battery you have in your car. You can pick one up for as little at $60 or some gel batteries for as high as $250.

You know the job is being done right because you will be doing it yourself. DIY is always better than letter someone else tamper with your car. Once you know, what has to be done, you will be able to get the right auto parts and do the jobs right yourself.

Car parts are often recycled, and that`s not a problem provided the parts are the right parts for their new jobs. Sometimes they`re not. Some parts vary slightly between models, and that can cause problems. The condition of the recycled parts is another issue. Recycled parts can vary from mint condition to absolutely atrocious.
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