Database error: Invalid SQL: select * from pwn_comment where pid='1713' and iffb='1' order by id limit 0,10
MySQL Error: 1194 (Table 'pwn_comment' is marked as crashed and should be repaired)
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Best Laptop Computer For 2022: The Fifteen Laptops We Suggest
id="article-body" class="row " section="article-body" data-component="trackCWV"> Choosing a new laptop whether it`s for work, home or going back to school isn`t an easy decision but CNET`s best laptops for 2022 is a great place to start with our top picks across brands, operating systems, budgets and categories. Many of the models from 2021 are currently being updated for 2022 with the latest chips from Intel and AMD, and Apple has introduced its new M2 chips, too. That includes new versions of two of our favorites,  and .

(The new models also mean bargain hunters can find 2021 models at a discount.) 

At CNET, our laptop experts have collective decades of experience testing and reviewing laptops, covering everything from performance to price to battery life. This hand-curated list covers the best laptops across various sizes, styles and costs, including laptop computers running on Windows, MacOS and Chrome. (Microsoft released the  in October 2021; all of the Windows laptops on this list are on Windows 11.)

If you want more laptop brands and options for a particular category, we also have specialized lists you can look at, including the , , and , as well as the , and the best .

If you need to stay as low as possible on the price of a new laptop computer, check out our  and  picks.

This best laptop list is updated periodically with new models we`ve tested and reviewed. If you need advice on whether a particular type of laptop or two-in-one is right for you, Jammin Jars png jump to .

James Martin/CNET

Thanks to a new design, a larger display (13.6 inches versus the previous 13.3 inches), a faster M2 chip and a long-awaited upgrade to a higher-res webcam, the 2022 version of the MacBook Air remains our top choice for the most universally useful laptop in Apple`s lineup, with one caveat.

At $1,199, the  MacBook Air starting price is a disappointment. That`s why you`ll still find the M1 version of the Air retains a spot on our best laptop list. Still, we like everything else about it and is our first choice if you`re considering an Air and don`t mind spending more. 



Sarah Tew/CNET

The Dell XPS 13 is a perennial favorite for its size, weight and performance and just overall good looks.
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