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Thrilling VR Escape Room Sydney CBD Puzzles & Exit Games
The puzzles took us through the museum and there was a good mix of puzzles with varying levels of difficulty. As a pair we failed to complete all of the puzzles within the 1 hour time limit so this may be more suited to a group of 3 or 4. With four rooms to play, from The Detectives Office to The Alchemist, Facade Escape offers experiences for two to six people which will test your communication and problem-solving skills. Escape rooms usually gather a group of two to eight players in a locked space, where they are briefed about what they need to breakout of the room. These rooms can come in a variety of themes, such as "asylum", "murder mystery", "space adventure", "laboratory lockdown", and so much more. While some escape rooms are scary and perfect for thrill-seekers, others are designed to be more family and kid-friendly.

Screening as part of our All Night Cine-Love Inextravaganza, this nightmarish, surreal and darkly comical horror will transport you to a grungy dystopian world like no other. Filmed in grainy 16mm and featuring superb sound design, the film is an intimate and meditative exploration of collective trauma and the social crises that create "ghost towns". From times when mankind evolved into strategic thinking beings, there have been situations – where to survive – an escape plan is required.

Take up to 85% off experience, holiday and shopping deals at The pressure’s on, the clock’s ticking, the adrenaline’s pumping. Escape Hunt isn’t something you watch, it’s something you experience from the heart of the action. After the buzz of Escape Hunt, other entertainment just feels flat.

The rooms should be pre-set with a table and chairs and we will do the rest! All we require is 30 minutes in each room prior to the event for set up. All of the Elude Escape Rooms are family friendly with nothing to be scared of. Our puzzles are equally suited to children, parents and grandparents working together as a family. This provides the unique opportunity for the whole family to get involved and enjoy a shared experience, with no-one having to just watch. Wondering if you can use your Dine and Discover vouchers to book an escape room experience?

Based on our booking data and information from the provider from the past 30 days, this experience is likely to sell out through Viator. Want to keep up with the latest team building news and inspiration? By working together towards a common goal, teams are brought closer together and real friendships are the result. Labyrinth Escape Rooms direct the skills of each participant to where they’re needed most; improving conflict management and cooperation between teams. The excitement of the game combined with the freedom of movement makes this one of the most epic gaming experiences in Sydney, and it’s something you need to try for yourself. If you cannot attend, contact the event organiser as early as possible-refunds are possible up to 48 hours before but after not.

Broadsheet Access members get special tables at busy restaurants, tickets to exclusive events and discounts on food, coffee, brand offers and more. Some puzzles you’ll be able to solve straight away – uncovering a random four-digit code is probably the key to unlocking one of the padlocks in the room – but others will require a gradual collection of items. Keep all your clues – used and unused – neatly gathered in two distinct areas so that, if you get stuck, you can quickly refer back to the relevant pile. Don’t completely disregard items you’ve already used, either; some might serve more than one purpose and could be vital again later. Members get special tables at busy restaurants, tickets to exclusive events and discounts on food, coffee, brand offers and more.
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