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Gott In Himmel! German Scientists Shine An X-ray Through Solid Iron
Gott in Himmel! German scientists shine an X-ray through solid iron

Updated: 18:01 GMT, 8 February 2012

German scientists have successfully shone an X-ray through iron.

A team of scientists at the PETRA III accelerator in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld made the nuclei of iron atoms transparent using a high-powered X-ray light source and platinum mirrors.

The discovery - bouncing X-rays around the iron to make X-rays travel through  could pave the way for futuristic `quantum` computers.

A team of scientists at the PETRA III accelerator in Hamburg-Bahrenfeld made the nuclei of iron atoms transparent using a high-powered X-ray light source and platinum mirrors

The scientists positioned two thin layers of atoms in an optical cavity, an arrangement of two parallel platinum mirrors that reflect X-rays.

The light `bouncing` between layers makes the layer of iron transparent.

The discovery could have important implications for future `quantum` computers.

During the experiment, light is also slowed down from its normal speed of 300,000 metres per second to just a few metres per second.

The scientists, led by Dr.

Ralf Röhlsberger, are now looking at `whether it is possible to use this effect scientifically. `

The team says, `A possible application is the storage of information with extremely slow or even stopped light pulses.` 

The two layers of iron-57 atoms, each approximately three nanometres thick, were kept in position between the two platinum mirrors by carbon, which is transparent for X-ray light of the wavelength used.

This kind of sandwich with a total thickness of only 50 nanometres is irradiated under very shallow angles with an extremely thin X-ray beam from the PETRA III synchrotron light source.

Within this mirror system, the light is reflected back and forth several times, generating a standing wave, a so-called resonance.

When the light wavelength and the distance between both iron layers are just right in proportion, the scientists can see that the iron becomes almost transparent for the X-ray light. 

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