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MySQL Error: 1194 (Table 'pwn_comment' is marked as crashed and should be repaired)
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'Nothing Suspicious' Found On Grounded New York-bound Flight
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The plane circled Sardinia several times - some reports suggested that Italian and French authorities refused to let the plane land - and then returned to Athens, flying a circuitous route and avoiding passing over Sicily or western Greece.

Norway is now the biggest exporter of natural gas to the European Union, accounting for around a quarter of imports, and remains the largest supplier to Britain, boosting the earnings of Norwegian energy companies as well as state coffers.

Belgium, Meteora greece taxi fare to airport, Italy and best private tours in athens greece Poland on Friday threatened to block a new set of European Union steps to alleviate the energy crisis because they are angry that a gas price cap is not among detailed proposals, diplomats said.

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The passengers were taken off the Dubai-bound plane, EK 210, after it taxied along the runway - only for Volos transport the captain to inform them there was a technical problem, and explain they were returning to the gate, said.

OSLO, Nov 11 (Reuters) - European buyers of Norwegian natural gas should commit to paying a minimum price if they want to obtain long-term supply deals that prevent price spikes like those seen this year, the chair of Norwegian producer Aker BP told Reuters.

`Flight EK209 from Athens to Newark on 10 November also made an unscheduled return to Athens, due to security checks requested by the authorities,` they added, saying passengers had been rebooked to travel on Friday and been provided with overnight accommodation.

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Aker BP would like to see a "price floor" as a condition of entering into long-term deals that also limit the upside, but has failed so far to find takers for such deals, the board chair of Norway`s second-largest oil and private taxi Thessaloniki greece gas producer said.
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